FWI Impact Report November 2023

Habari Rafiki

Here follows the Fair World International/Improving Tanzania Foundation Impact Report for November 2023.

1. This month we assessed and fed sixty five children from eight villages who are enrolled in our malnourishment program. Almost all of them are under five years of age with two being just four and six months old;

2. Electricity supply is somewhat unpredictable here in Tanzania causing blackouts at crucial moments. For example, at night when women are giving birth to their precious babies.

In late October, our amazing solar fundi Chris began working to rectify this issue.

He has now installed solar lighting in the delivery rooms and wards of thirty two primary health care centers.

This will ensure the safety of women and their babies during and after delivery;

3. We have delivered crucial medical equipment to ten primary health care centers;

4. Often ostracized and impoverished, HIV+ people are further endangered by lack of personal funds for health care. Whilst the government generously pays for all HIV+ related treatments, the cost of other health care needs can be prohibitive.

We have now paid health insurance premiums for one hundred and twenty HIV+ patients at the Manolo health clinic.

More will follow as we get registrations in ten specialized clinics spread throughout the Usambara mountains;

5. After two years of construction, and working in partnership with Mambo village, we have this month opened the Mambo nurses’ home.

Having free accommodation will not only effectively give the Mambo nurses more income, but also make employment at the health clinic more attractive for prospective staff;

6. We have now delivered all the necessary materials for the women’s groups in Tema and Lushoto to begin production of menstrual kits which will be given (with education) to school girls, thus ensuring less interruption to their school attendance;

6. We held a Happy Cows Happy Farmers seminar in Mhezi. Approximately thirty farmers attended.

This seminar teaches love and respectful treatment of cows with the reward to the farmers being more milk and more calves.

More seminars will follow as word spreads amongst the farmers. Already one is planned for Mavumo village;

7. We built a 10,000 liter water tank at Kwekanga Primary School. This will provide water to twenty toilets and a hand-washing station both which we will now proceed to build;

8. We delivered furniture to the new zahanati in Kinko - six tables, six chairs, two cabinets, two shelves and four benches.

Furniture delivery to the new health clinic in Kwemakame

Making reusable menstrual kits in Tema.


FWI Impact Report December 2023


FWI Impact Report October 2023