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School toilets and Hand-washing Stations

These three photos below are all-too-frequent examples of what we are replacing. 

School toilets and accompanying hand-washing stations have an immediate impact on student health. 

It is a basic tenant of our work that, where possible, we work with people not for them. However, where the missing resource to achieve a given goal is money (the above projects are a good example), obviously it is unfair to expect an impoverished community to contribute. 

But where a community contribution is possible, we ask for it. The building of school toilets is a good example of this. 

We receive many requests from schools for support. We have one condition: that the school does not practice corporal punishment. Once this issue is dealt with (and it often takes time and support from us), we then turn to the school’s priorities. 

When meeting with teachers and village leaders to discuss our support, almost without exception, the number one priority is toilets. The demand is so large that, at any one moment, we have two or three school toilet projects in progress and many more waiting to begin. 

A village contribution for toilets can consist of labour (to dig the toilet pit) and provide sand, gravel, and bricks if locally available. 

Our model budget for the 20 toilets has a total cost of TZS 13,950,000 (A$ 8,900)

Our model budget for the 20 toilets above has a total cost of TZS 13,950,000  (A$8,750). If the school is smaller, 10 toilets will suffice, costing half the 20 toilet budget.  A hand-washing station costs another TZS 250,000 (A$160) not including water connection. 

Should you have any questions or comments concerning the above, please email us at