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Village water supply

Giving people easy access to safe water has a life-changing impact.

Outside of major cities and towns, access to water is a major problem. In the villages of the Usambaras, water always has to be fetched from somewhere - from either a central point in the village or, more often, from a natural water source. This source is, not unusually, a long distance away and it is the duty of the women to do this work. They learn as young girls to carry buckets on their heads.



After the three wells in Mziragembai were sealed, the water was protected from contamination, increased in volume, and was easier to access. 

We have brought water to villages by focusing on gravity-fed water sources above the village. (We have investigated bore water sourcing but deem it to be too risky and expensive.)

Our goal is to pipe water to a number of central points in the village (the health clinic, school, and village centre), which alleviates literally hours of work each day for women.

Costs will vary according to the amount of piping needed. The village contribution here is invariably to dig the water trench and install the piping.

These projects are not frequent but they have a large impact.

We are currently planning a water project with Sunga villagers to bring water to the village centre and the market place. Costing is yet to be done. 

Should you require further information on current building projects, please email at