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Re-usable Menstrual Kits for School Girls

Distributing re-usable Menstrual Kits is certainly one of the most impactful projects we have in Tanzania.

Many young girls in Secondary schools have no option but to stay at home during menstruation. Disposable pads are either not available or not affordable. There are no facilities at the schools to help.

Missing a week or more of schooling every month can have a devastating effect on their education and, subsequently, on their whole-life potential. Not fair! To counteract this, we distribute kits consisting of eight re-usable pads to secondary school girls and, occasionally, to needy women.

TZS 12,000 (AUS$7) would supply one menstrual kit giving a school girl a more continuous education.

Donating to this project is to support the recipients by giving them a more solid education. Their life potential is expanded by their education. In addition, the women who make the kits gain the rare opportunity to have an income. We know that when a mother has an income, the benefits flow on to their children through better nourishment, schooling and care. 

Should you have any questions or comments concerning the above, please email us at