Together, we can.

Our goals:

A world where the disadvantaged are cared for with compassion and empathy. A world where the suffering of all beings (human and non-human) is eliminated.

We want to live in a world where all beings (human and animal) are shown respect and compassion. 

A world where the environment that sustains us is nurtured, not exploited.

A world where difference is celebrated, not feared.

A world where inequality in access to health care, education, nutrition, and opportunity is eliminated, not ignored,.

We believe that most human beings wish to feel at peace, content, free, and safe. And we believe that animals, just like humans, share these same desires.

We believe that disadvantage, whatever its manifestation, is fundamentally unfair and compromises the dignity, welfare, peace and freedom of all beings.

We believe that inequality and poverty are the ultimate source of all conflict and division in our world.

It is in everyone’s interest to pursue equality through kindness and giving.

FWI working with communities in Tanzania since 2010

We work in Tanzania through our local NGO Improving Tanzania Foundation.  Working hand-in-hand with local communities, we are undertaking a range of development projects in Lushoto district (Usambara Mountains and Pare Mountains) and Bagamoyo district that aim to improve the health, education, and wellbeing of mainly women and children. We also work to promote the welfare of domestic animals - in particular cows.

We believe a Fair World is one defined by:

  • Adherence to all human rights;

  • Equal access to healthcare, education and nutrition for everyone;

  • Peaceful acceptance of difference (gender, race, religion and culture);

  • Environmental protection and sustainability for future generations.

Through FWI, utilizing the local NGO Improving Tanzania Foundation, we fund and manage projects in Tanzania, mainly, but not exclusively, to the benefit of women and children.


“Given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.”

— Wayne W Dyer